Need Help? 969 New Business Ideas

princeton university

June 16, 2014 • How To, Inspiration

969 Ideas for a Business You Can Start Today!

Sometimes the hardest part of starting a business is coming up with a viable idea. But what if you had a resource that you could go to that fed you ideas based on what you’re interested in.

Today I stumbled across a great resource for the aspiring entrepreneurs who wants to start their own  businesses, but need some help coming up with ideas.
Check out Entrepreneur Magazine Business Idea Center.

You can search ideas by industry, interest, or profession.

You might be surprised what you find or are inspired by.

Go check out Entrepeneur’s Business Idea Center and then come back here and LEAVE A COMMENT letting me know if anything piqued your interest!

You can also check out this in my  Tools & Resources page!


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Rana Campbell is the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of, a site dedicated to personal branding and helping people learn how to SHINE in their personal and professional lives.

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